
2022年 11月 25日 0 作者 gong2022


提及模板,大师必定会想到,在考研阅卷现场会呈现反模板的偏向。但这个反模板,其实不是否决所有模板,而是否决那些陈旧见解的模板。不要陈旧见解?那最 好的法子,就是有属于本身的模板。若何缔造本身的模板?请看:


首段 “骨血相连”描图三步走

1. 骨架+小肉(总体描图)

2. 多汁大肉(具体描图)

3. 翻译中文/万 能句型




万 能句型属于无奈之举,按照前两句的字数来肯定是不是利用。

比方: 2003年


1. 骨架+小肉:Depicted in these two cartoons above is a flower showing different states in two entirely distinct conditions.


此句开篇,布局相当首要,此处用倒装句描图,Depicted in these two cartoons above is+图片核 心元素+分词短语润饰。

2. 多汁大肉:As is shown in the first picture, the flower, placed in a comfortable greenhouse which shelters it from the threatening storm, is in full bloom. On the contrary, when exposed to the heavy rain, the flower soon fades and withers, with petals falling on the ground.

As is shown in the first picture在所有的模板书都可找到,是以万万不要放在第一句,可是如斯标致的As指导的定语从句不消岂不成惜,是以调解次序,放在第二句便可,显示出你安排说话的能力。2003年为两幅图(本年的重点温习标的目的)

,是以要注重两幅图之间的比拟瓜葛,用on the contrary夸大句间瓜葛。此中分词作状语、定语从句、自力主格皆可以用于其他文章,触类旁通。


多筹备一些万 能模板句,做到以稳定应万变,科场上只必要更换某一些主题辞汇便可以拿分,记着:考研英语写作不怕假大空,就怕犯初级毛病,以小我品格为例,下面的模板就属于放之四海皆准。

1. 提出中间:The implication of this cartoon can be su妹妹arized as a philosophic topic in daily life: XXX is the first step towards success.

2. 诠释阐明:In other words, facing with delicate options, we had better march forward rather than hesitate. Indeed, if we are bewildered with the choices, opportunities may escape our attention.

3. 举例论证:For some people, their fear to lose is greater than their desire to succeed, so they end up doing nothing and their dreams become impossible.

4. 正反论证:On the contrary, at any given moment, we have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end. Our braveness, perseverance, and decisiveness may earn us chances to solve current adversities, leading us out of the shadow.

5. 总结中间:Clearly, the cartoonist, through this unique metaphor, encourages us to choose the latter.



踊跃正向:Evidently, there are reasons to believe that主题辞 can produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote international tourism.

消极负向:Evidently, there are reasons to believe that 主题辞can produce negative effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to avoid such phenomenon.